Sharing Your Authentic Message – Jonah Sachs


The new challenge for marketers is making messages that are compelling that people will say they’re going to pass it around. If the story doesn’t interest people, it is forgotten.

On this episode, we are here with Jonah Sachs. He’s an entrepreneur, author, journalist, and a social change strategist. He created the YouTube sensation, The Meatrix and The Story of Stuff and wrote Winning the Story Wars and Unsafe Thinking.

Jonah shares how making your own authentic story can make people resonate with you and believe in you. He also enumerates five elements of a story that can help any marketer make sure that they’re staying on track.

Stories don’t necessarily have to be based on facts because facts can be disbelieved. What’s important is how your story can create personal relationships and prop people up and give them a positive explanation about life and about who they are.

Key Takeaways

  • People no longer listen to one-to-many communication.
  • Spreading your authentic message is the new marketing.
  • Make the audience the heroes of their own lives rather than trying to be the hero for them.
  • Stories are ways that we explain how the world works and what we should value.
  • How to work on your story:
    • Know how you sell yourself and what kind of relationships you’re creating with people that help them live their best possible lives.
    • Identify the connection point between what your audience is saying about you and who you think your best self is.
    • Tell your stories through the stories of the people you’ve helped.
    • Think of your business itself as a story.
  • Elements of a story:
    • Values
    • Moral of the story
    • Understand your heroes or your customers
    • Think of yourself as a mentor
    • Your brand gift
  • Resources:

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