Raising Personal Expectations – Dr. Dan Sullivan


How we manage our personal expectations is crucial to how we perform in life, and keeping our expectations high pushes us to do more to get the results we want.

Too often, our expectations go so low because we don’t trust ourselves and we try to avoid failures. However, in life, failures are unavoidable, and the lessons we will learn from those are invaluable and will shape us for the better.

On this episode, we’re here with Dr. Dan Sullivan, a chiropractor, speaker, author, and one of the most sought-after health experts in the United States. He talks about how being around people who are doing better than you can increase your expectations.

Key Takeaways

  • Struggles are opportunities to overcome a challenge.
  • To keep your passion alive, go back to your ‘why.’
  • Life is about the journey, not the destination.
  • Stay connected as a couple to keep the relationship healthy. Be in tune with your partner and regularly talk about your roles.
  • Mental preparation plays an essential role in having success.
  • Be consistent so people around you can respect your consistency.
  • The pain of discipline is always easier than the pain of regret.
  • Resources
  • chiropracticadvocate.com – Dr. Dan Sullivan’s website

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