Outgrowing Yourself – Dr. David Fletcher


Dr. David Fletcher had a unique way of starting his chiropractic career. In fact, he opened a chiropractic clinic in a hotel room in a Sylvan Lake.

In spite of not having a formal place to practice, he pursued his career and continued moving forward which made his practice took off from there. He realized that outgrowing who he is and learning who he was will get him into the bigger market.

Dr. Fletcher is a speaker, a renowned chiropractor, and the President and CEO of Chiropractic Leadership Alliance (CLA). On today’s episode, he’s going to share his entrepreneurial story and how he was able to own the largest subluxation-focused chiropractic company on the planet.

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractic didn’t have to be delivered in a manipulative manner that instruments could be used to adjust people. It is about the relationship you have with the patients.
  • To have growth, you have to deconstruct what was not working to reconstruct over this new model.
  • Be aware of ideas that you’re tolerating.
  • If you’re going to change worldview, you can’t shy away from this idea that you have to move on.
  • When anybody says “Can you?” say “Yes.”
  • If you don’t grab the opportunities in your life, then you’re going to be the underdog your whole life.
  • Money is energy, and it’s no different than that universal energy we got.

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