Climbing the Ladder of Success – Trevor McGregor


According to Trevor McGregor, who has been coaching and helping people for 25 years, the six rungs of the Ladder of Success are showing up poor, good, great, excellent, outstanding, and extraordinary.

Most of us are showing up at the second echelon of the ladder which is a danger zone. It’s because you’re not creating and doing anything to change.

On this episode, he shares tips on how you can get out of the underdog and live the life that you want.

Key Takeaways

  • If you want to be successful, do things that other successful people have already done and done before you.
  • Where focus goes, energy flows.
  • Think about what you want, not what you don’t want.
  • Instead of trying to figure everything out, just get that first step ahead
  • When you’re uncomfortable, celebrate. It’s the universe’s way of telling you that where you’re at right today is where you’re not meant to be.
  • Do your research before getting a coach or accountability partner and come up with three different possibilities.
  • Things to look out for a coach; passion, attitude, and track record

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