Effective Communication Skills – Dr. Martin Harvey


Communication is a fundamental skill which enables us to influence people and affect the world.

On this episode with Dr. Martin Harvey, a successful chiropractor and a current Board member of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, he’s going to talk about the importance of communication and how can we improve our skills in interacting with others.

Dr. Harvey teaches us skills that are needed to manage difficult situations so we still can maintain a respectful relationship with someone who may have different sent beliefs from us.

Key Takeaways

  • Communication is the most important aspect regarding personal relationships.
  • Instead of trying to debate the person who has an opposite belief from you, present your idea in a way that is going to impact them.
  • Do an action over and over again in a not stressful situation so it will become an automatic response to anytime you’re stressed.
  • Communication skills to use in difficult circumstances:
  • Use permission – This communicates to the other person that you’re respectful of their sense of self-efficacy and that they are allowed to have beliefs of their own.
  • Saying “Yes, and” – This is a way of positioning another idea without negating the first idea.
  • You can have lots of things be true but what’s more important is what’s more useful.
  • Selecting a mindset that enables you is a good first step to finding your authentic self.
  • Repeat the skills you’re not good at to develop it.

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