Own Your Authentic Self – Brandi Macdonald


Doing something you’re not meant to do is exhausting and doesn’t give you any sense of fulfilment. However, you continue doing that because you’ve been affected by the underdog curse.

On this episode, we’re here with Brandi MacDonald, who is one of my biggest mentors in life and my life partner. Currently, she’s a board member of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation.

Brandi says that a part of breaking the underdog curse is finding your true authentic self and once you own it, then, you can master your life and be who you’re meant to be.

Key Takeaways

  • A part of the underdog curse is finding what your true authentic self is and what your true gifts are.
  • When you have an innate drive to be who you’re meant to be, things are not as hard as you’ve imagined them to be.
  • The outcome of our life is the result of the patterns of thinking and feelings instilled to us when we were young.
  • Signs to look out for that shows you’re not doing what you’re meant to do:
  • Unhappiness / Not feeling fulfilled
  • Feeling exhausted
  • Try to spend time alone with yourself to have some awareness with your patterns.
  • Examples of Big Lies that’s driving every behavior we do and every decision we make:
  • I’m not worth it.
  • People are going to leave me.
  • I can’t control my environment.
  • People control me.
  • The things that sometimes feel overwhelming or not able to overcome in chiropractic, are often the reasons you got into it.
  • Your will is the consciousness, authentic self, and strength that all of us have, and that will would be stronger than any external thing in your environment.

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