Giving Importance To Objective Findings – Brandi MacDonald


Almost everyone wants to get quick results or outcome in any given situation. This is a human condition though. However, there are certain situations that this doesn’t really apply. Sometimes we need to learn to delay gratification. In delaying gratification, we may be able to fully get the results that we are expecting. This may not be easy but it can be learned.

On this episode, we have Brandi MacDonald. She talks about the importance of objective findings in easing the frustration of both the patients and chiropractors when results are not seen and how objective findings can help with delaying gratification.

Key Takeaways

  • A huge component of having objective findings in the office is helping people delay the gratification of when they are going to feel better.
  • We are wired, as a human condition, to not delay gratification because the brains are wired for survival so there’s an immediate response that our brains are wired to do.
  • In the practice, chiropractors don’t know if somebody is going to actually feel better but if they follow the plan consistently and objectively show them that the body is responding, they’re more likely to stay.
  • When the patient stays parasympathetic, the body functions at a higher level.
  • A huge part of the objective findings is it’s a communication tool for chiropractors by trying to reframe people’s belief system about healing.
  • Chiropractors got to develop something that they could show somebody that in the moment that patients are on the table posing an adjustment that their body is in parasympathetic state and just needs to sustain it long enough.
  • It’s hard to recommend stuff more than you’ve ever done. It’s hard to charge someone more than you’ve ever paid for something. It’s hard to recommend care more than you’ve been under care yourself.
  • If you’re going to be confident in the recommendation, you also have to be confident in the objectivity of showing somebody the value of care and somebody has to be able to see it, feel it or experience it.
  • Chiropractors need to show people that despite how they feel, they are consistently putting the input in and it’s working all the time whether they think it is or not.
  • Every person is different. Chiropractors should understand the person on the table before performing any adjustment.

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