Finding Your Technique – Dr. Peter Kevorkian


Every person has their own needs and wants in life. It differs for everyone. The needs and wants of one person may not be as important to the other person. This also applies to any profession or service.

For chiropractors, being sensitive to the people that you adjust is important. Some people are receptive to delicate touch while others may need a different approach. When providing service, it must be catered to the customer’s needs.

On this episode, we have Dr. Peter Kevorkian. He talks about his journey on how he was able to find his own technique for chiropractic. He shares on how he’s able to flex back and forth between his techniques. He also provides tips on how to stay consistent in providing chiropractic service.

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractic may not be just about the bones.  There could be another pathway on how to look at neurology.
  • The job is to take technical knowledge and mold it to the needs of the person and their physiology Instead of fitting people into your own chiropractic technique.
  • We need to develop the sensitivity to a person’s physiology. Some people are doing much better with a subtle touch while others with a very mechanical type of thrust.
  • When engaging with a person’s spine by trying to fix it, what we’re trying to do is provide a force into the spine that the body can recognize that trauma and learn from the experience.
  • When one becomes subluxated and experiences things while in a subluxated state, the body reorganizes itself. Taking the experience and allowing the body to integrate that it can vibrate to a higher and be at a greater level of adaptability in their life experience.
  • Don’t put a manual force to an area that you don’t see or feel motion when the person breathes.
  • Rather than trying to fix the person and be the doctor, try to develop a relationship with the person’s spine and think about what they are experiencing.
  • Resources:

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