Pursuing Chiropractic – Dr. Frank Vaught


Struggles and hardships are always present whenever pursuing a career. There comes a point in your journey where you feel that you are astray but never lose faith. Focus on your goals and believe in what you are doing for you will reap the rewards of your hard work.

On this episode, we have Dr. Frank Vaught Jr. He is the founder and owner of Health on Earth Wellness Centers. Dr. Vaught is a community leader for personal health and wellness, and an inspirational speaker.

Dr. Frank talks about how he got into chiropractic and his experiences starting out in the business. He also shares how he’s mentoring other chiropractors.

Key Takeaways

  • One should get out and see as many seminars and go to offices when it comes to chiropractic
  • To be honed in the essence of pure chiropractic, surround yourself with doctors that practice on the basis of the philosophy of chiropractic.
  • It is all right to take time for yourself. The more time you take time for yourself, the more value you will be.
  • Sometimes, it’s not the normal things that happened that will give you what you need to be successful but it will be something out of the ordinary.
  • Refer patients to someone who can take care of the intensity of their needs.
  • Communication is one of the biggest things. Chiropractors are also teachers. They must not only shift the spine but also the mind.
  • Underdog means someone who is a barrier breaker thus making you an overachiever.
  • Resources:

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