Staying Connected With Yourself – Dr. Tiffany Johnson


Before you can be connected with your practice members, your team, your family, and everything else, you have to be first connected with yourself and grounded.

On this episode, we are here with Dr. Tiffany Johnson. She graduated from Northwestern Chiropractic and has been in practice for 12 years. Also, she is a mom of two adorable kids.

Dr. Tiffany shares her experience of how she ran into a Board issue and how she accepted the full suspension, probation, and monitoring so she can start to heal and move past it.

Key Takeaways

  • Visualize and take enough time to figure out what you really want.
  • Create a practice that’s based not on your personality, but based on systems.
  • Whatever the results of your actions are, own it and take full responsibility.
  • Don’t mind what people think.
  • Maintain your chemistry so your energy doesn’t go to your practice members and theirs don’t go to you.
  • Whatever it is, follow that gut instinct that’s not quantitative.
  • If you have a bad marriage, you better fix yourself to create a better marriage so your practice can be different.

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