Uncover Your Gift – Philip McKernan


Everyone has a gift and it is your choice whether to share it with the world. However, that gift lies right next to our greatest pain and most of us are afraid to deep dive into it.

Today’s guest is Philip McKernan. He is a speaker, writer, and filmmaker. He has also worked with the Canadian Olympic Team and The Pentagon. He helps people transform their personal and professional lives, so they feel more aligned with their purpose.

On this episode, he talks about how we can uncover our gift or our truth and be aligned in our work, in ourselves, and in our relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s strangers who will see something in us that we don’t see in ourselves or we don’t want to see in ourselves.
  • When someone shares their truth, it frees them.
  • The deeper you dive into your past, present, and future, the higher you’ll fly.
  • A gift is something you already have, and that you can choose to gift it to the world.
  • Consider what your gift is rather than what your passion or purpose is.
  • The more you know who you are and the more you know about your pain, the more your gift is going to come to the surface.
  • People want to move away from emotions and stay in their heads because it feels safe and busyness helps them do that.
  • Control is a complete illusion.
  • Honor where you are.
  • If you start doing stuff outside of who you are to try and grow your business, either it won’t work or won’t matter.
  • When you can get to a place where you feel that you’re only a catalyst, you’ll do your greatest work.
  • Have the courage to be vulnerable to show your humanity.
  • Resources:

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