Work/Life Balance as a Chiropractor, Dr. Ali Miller

How to create work/life balance as a busy chiropractor.

Dr. Don is joined today by Dr. Ali Miller from Bolton, Ontario. Ali’s mom had always suffered from headaches until she began to see a chiropractor. After that is when Ali saw a shift in her mother’s well-being, sparking her interest in chiropractic In addition Ali also has a love for children and wanted to be able to gear her profession towards a branch of pediatrics. All of this lead Ali to attend and graduate from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CNCC) in Toronto, Ontario.

Dr. Miller now operates her own practice out of Bolton, Ontario as Family Health Chiropractic & Wellness. She has also undertaken a certification from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) for pediatrics and pregnancy. Dr. Don and Dr. Miller discuss how she juggled getting married, becoming a mother, and attending chiropractic school.

Later in the episode, Dr. Miller discusses how she balances her career and family life. She also describes how she avoids burnout and becoming overwhelmed. To close out the episode, Dr. Miller gives us her daily motto “swim your own race” and tell us how she uses that in her daily practice before sharing some more parting words of wisdom.

Key Takeaways:

  • How Dr. Miller got into the chiropractic profession [1:50]
  • Miller’s advice for current chiropractic school students [4:52]
  • How to balance being a mom and juggling chiropractic school [9:37]
  • Finished your board exams? Here’s what you can do next [11:01]
  • Growing a practice and the ups and downs of the growth cycle [16:10]
  • A journey through chiropractic [22:04]
  • Miller’s involvement with the Canadian National Alliance for Chiropractic (CNAC) [24:42]
  • Dealing with COVID-19 restrictions in the medical profession in Ontario [28:06]
  • Parting inspirational words and advice from Dr. Miller [28:44]
  • Don shares his opinion on the difference between knowledge and wisdom [30:15]

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