Getting Clear About Who You Want To Work With And What You Want – Dr. Louise Blair


Having a team can help you grow your practice but how do you find the right people for it? How do you make sure that your team grows and thrives together with the practice?

On this episode, we are here with Dr. Louise Blair. She has been in practice for almost 20 years and is practicing in Wellington, New Zealand. Previously, she served as the Vice-President of the NZ Chiropractors’ Association.

Dr. Louise talks about the importance of getting clear about who you want to work with and what you want.

Key Takeaways

  • Listen to people, read by yourself, and ask questions.
  • Be clear about your expectations about what the relationship would be with your associates.
  • Patients can’t tell if you’re not there mentally so they try to get more out of you.
  • Write out a list of all your wish list, and then your “not wish list or your non-negotiables”
    about what can’t be there.
  • New graduates have to spend a certain amount of time at the front desk watching the CAs do everything so they understand what’s that about.
  • As a new graduate or a new associate, join organizations such as BNI to have a network of people who got your back.
  • Cut out the things that sap your energy even though you think they fill you up.
  • The world doesn’t get changed by Type B people who are sitting on the couch.
  • When hiring people for your team, do the de-selection process even before the interview.
  • Put a list on your job ad of not just who you want but who you don’t want.
  • If you ask in the profession, there are people who will always help you.

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