Asking The Right Questions – Brandi MacDonald


Everything you talk about in your practice is directly related to what you believe in chiropractic and if you’re not aligned with your concepts, it’s hard to ask the right questions and to understand what’s really going on with the person who comes into your office.

On this episode, we are here with Brandi MacDonald. She talks about what the most important concepts are and shares different scenarios to help us understand those so we can help people achieve their true potential.

Aside from learning those concepts, it is also crucial to learn how to communicate those concepts to your practice members, and to connect to who they are and what their potential is.

Key Takeaways

  • The shift is not about what the real problem is. It’s about what the potential is.
  • When you practice and reality is not congruent with your philosophy, it causes burn out.
  • How you practice and what your procedures are, are the truth of your premise.
  • Communication is a learned process.
  • If you don’t find out what’s going on for somebody, you don’t validate them.
  • The basic premise of the first step is to validate why somebody is in your office.
  • Help people understand that chiropractic cannot treat their pain.
  • Having enough rapport with people is the bottom line of communication.
  • It requires an exorbitant amount of energy to stay present and focused with people all day long in practice.

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