How Subluxation Scans, Proper Rest, and Community Support Leads to Success with Dr. Dave Hanson

How Subluxation Scans, Proper Rest, and Community Support Leads to Success with Dr. Dave Hanson Summary There are numerous aspects to running a chiropractic practice. In addition to patient care, a chiropractor must keep abreast of the latest technology, keep the office running smoothly, make sure the ledger is in the black, and maintain a […]
Breaking Through Challenges to Find Truth with Emily Miller

Breaking Through Challenges to Find Truth with Emily Miller Summary The people you surround yourself with can have a major impact on your life, work, and attitude. Finding your tribe might just be the most important thing you can do to help yourself see the world, and your practice in a new, inspirational light. Working […]
Great Leaders Collaborate to Nurture the Chiropractic Community with Dr. Phil McMaster

Great Leaders Collaborate to Nurture the Chiropractic Community with Dr. Phil McMaster Summary Meeting face-to-face with other chiropractors in the community can build beneficial bonds and lead to exciting new ventures. Working together strengthens our local practices as well as the international chiropractic community as a whole. Graduating students of chiropractic can gain knowledge from […]
Shift Office Communications by Empowering People with Brandi MacDonald

Shift Office Communications by Empowering People with Brandi MacDonald Summary Our individual communication style is an accumulation of a lifetime of personal experiences. But the language we use at home or with friends may not seamlessly integrate into our practices. The people we depend on to keep our offices running smoothly and efficiently need to […]
It’s OK to Continuously Course Correct with Dr. Amy Robinson

It’s OK to Continuously Course Correct with Dr. Amy Robinson Summary How many of us stick with a plan even if it doesn’t seem to be working? How many of us are feeling run down and burnout but keep pushing ourselves to the limit beyond what is healthy? If you are doing either of these […]
How Ireland is Adjusting to Chiropractors with Stuart Kelly

How Ireland is Adjusting to Chiropractors with Stuart Kelly Summary Believe it or not, the entire country of Ireland only has approximately 100 Chiropractors. The professionals and the services they provide are unregulated and they just recently lost their ability to x-ray patients. In an atmosphere such as this, raising public awareness is key to […]
Grow Your Practice with Purpose with Dr. Paul Needham

Grow Your Practice with Purpose with Dr. Paul Needham Summary Understanding why you are doing something can be just as important as taking on the task itself, especially when running your own practice. As we become more seasoned in our profession we all evolve our techniques and strategies to better serve our clients. One area […]
Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Conversations in Your Practice with Dr. Martin Harvey

Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Conversations in Your Practice with Dr. Martin Harvey Summary The chiropractic profession seems to be under fire lately, all around the globe. Bad press, passionate politicians, and other medical practitioners have their own reasons for criticism. So, how we respond to the adversity will be what defines us. There are […]
How to Gain Trust & Inspire Referrals with Dr. Craig Foote

How to Gain Trust & Inspire Referrals with Dr. Craig Foote Summary How important are referrals in growing your practice? For most of us, the answer is: very important. If you live in Australia where chiropractors face restrictions such as the inability to advertise, no use of testimonials or case studies, qualified referrals can be […]
Tell the Truth and Put in the Work with Sabrina

Tell the Truth and Put in the Work with Sabrina Summary When your profession chooses you it is imperative you stay on course no matter what tries to slow you down. Whether it be a life-changing illness or a major setback, the will to continue on your quest will determine how clients perceive you and […]