Being Mindful – Vikki Kelly


Our ability to pay attention has atrophied because of the way that we live our lives and thus learning how to be present and mindful is crucial so we can make better decisions and be in a state of homeostasis.

On this episode, we are with Vikki Kelly. She’s a mother of three kids, a business owner, a director, a speaker, and is passionate about helping people understand the importance of mindfulness and meditation.

Vikki shares tips on how we can start being more present and how it can change your life and your practice.

Key Takeaways

  • Meditation not only can cool our stress system. It also rewrites the landscape of the brain.
  • Mindfulness is paying attention in an open and active non-judging way and most importantly, knowing when you’re not paying attention and being able to call your attention back.
  • Mindfulness allows us to reset our system and free up some neural energy so we can create homeostasis.
  • Appropriate non-creepy eye contact is a mindfulness-based technique.
  • One of the main contemplative practices is breathing.
  • Doing the three breath pause and lengthening our out breath a little will change your life as a practitioner or a CA.
  • Before you engage in your day, take some breaths and notice what you can be grateful for.
  • The precursor to self-regulation is self-awareness, which is being present.
  • The stronger your attention muscle gets, the better you are able to be the best version of yourself.
  • What a mindfulness practice does is it stops your emotions from owning you all of the time.
  • Get your practice members take a three breath pause before you take care of them to prime their nervous system to be able to receive and integrate the amazing adjustment experience
  • Resources:

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