Breaking the Underdog Curse – Episode 1


Each one of us has experienced self-sabotaging behaviors that block us from achieving what we want in life and so, overcoming those behaviors is crucial.

I’m Dr. Don MacDonald, a chiropractor, coach, and the author of the best-selling book, The Underdog Curse. I created this podcast to help people break into different underdog curses in their life.

So stay tuned for more stories of various people on how they’ve broken through different underdogs curses in their life.

Key Takeaways

  • There’s a mindset that blocks people from hitting their maximum potential in life.
  • With underdogs, you have no expectations, and everybody cheers you on.
  • Either of these may happen:
  • Becoming addicted to being an underdog which means being comfortable in that status.
  • Being adverse to being an underdog.
  • Anytime you get stuck to either of these two; addicted or adverse to being an underdog, it limits our growth as a human being.
  • Three steps to overcome the underdog curse.
  • Awareness of where it is going on in our lives.
  • Alignment – Taking enough time to figure out what’s important to you.
  • Taking Action
  • Being externally influenced means being affected by the underdog curse.
  • An adaptable underdog is someone who is comfortable enough to try new things where he/she is an underdog, feels comfortable to be good at something, and doesn’t sabotage himself/herself.

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