Looking After Yourself – Dr. Alison Young

Looking After Yourself – Dr. Alison Young Summary There are times that people feel exhausted with their business or profession. There are a lot of ways to cope with this exhaustion. One thing is to look after yourself. You need to take care of your self first before you can be able to serve others. […]

Retention Strategies, Communication, and Having Certainty – Dr. Martin Harvey

Retention Strategies, Communication, and Having Certainty – Dr. Martin Harvey Summary There are a lot of ways to be successful in a business or a profession. It is a little bit of everything. Every aspect should be accounted for. It can be from your certainty in your abilities to how you deal with your customers. […]

Finding Your Technique – Dr. Peter Kevorkian

Finding Your Technique – Dr. Peter Kevorkian Summary Every person has their own needs and wants in life. It differs for everyone. The needs and wants of one person may not be as important to the other person. This also applies to any profession or service. For chiropractors, being sensitive to the people that you […]

Overcoming the Distance – Dr. Jorge Campos

Overcoming the Distance – Dr. Jorge Campos Summary There could be a lot of barriers to something that you love to do. It could be distance, money, and a whole lot of factors. However, if you are driven and passionate, you will be able to overcome it. If you love what you’re doing, you’ll find […]

Do The Thing That Scares You – Dr. Keltie Warren

Do The Thing That Scares You – Dr. Keltie Warren Summary Sometimes, people tend to overthink. They are scared to do or take the next step in their practice or profession for the thought that it might not work in their favor. The more time that we spend on thinking on the bad things that […]

Getting In On Animal Chiropractic – Dr. Bill Ormston

Getting In On Animal Chiropractic – Dr. Bill Ormston Summary Chiropractic is important not only to humans but also to animals too. It does not only limit to domestic animals but also includes adjusting animals that are part of the food supply. Being able to perform chiropractic on animals provides a lot of benefits not […]

Pursuing Chiropractic – Dr. Frank Vaught

Pursuing Chiropractic – Dr. Frank Vaught Summary Struggles and hardships are always present whenever pursuing a career. There comes a point in your journey where you feel that you are astray but never lose faith. Focus on your goals and believe in what you are doing for you will reap the rewards of your hard […]

Starting the Journey to Chiropractic – Dr. Patrick McMahon

Starting the Journey to Chiropractic – Dr. Patrick McMahon Summary Starting out in an industry is never easy. There will always be hardships and struggles. It goes with the saying that “Success doesn’t happen overnight”. We may experience that everything that we hoped and planned for didn’t follow through. Learn from the struggles and then […]

Leading A Conversation – Brandi MacDonald

Leading A Conversation – Brandi MacDonald Summary How do we lead a conversation? Not many people have the skill to lead a conversation. Leading a conversation does not only pertain on how to lead conversation but also on how not to stomp conversation. For someone to have this skill is a great advantage however it […]

Creating Ease In Your Life – Dr. Peter Amlinger

Creating Ease In Your Life – Dr. Peter Amlinger Summary Sometimes we are at crossroads of what we really want to do with our life or what our purpose is.  For some who have found their purpose, they are fortunate. One way to know if what we’re doing is right is if it creates a […]