Get Inspired-Dr. Chuck RibleyChange Your Lifestyle Through Sales – Melissa Krivachek


Melissa Krivachek says that sales is the only occupation that could fundamentally change the entire legacy of your family tree for generations. Thus, learning its dynamics and how to integrate them into your business is crucial.

Melissa has 23 years of sales experience and has won multiple awards. She is the author of seven bestselling books and runs The Millionaires Hot Seat podcast. Also, she is the current executive producer of The Ultimate Sales Summit, which will be held in October in Dallas.

On this episode, Melissa talks about what the word “sales” really mean. She also shares advice to rookies who don’t know how to do sales and to people who experience burnouts in their businesses.

Key Takeaways

  • When you want to run your own business, you have to understand the sacrifice, commitment, dedication, and all the things that go with that.
  • Business is more than service. It’s marking, sales, credibility, determination, staying up late and waking up early, and sacrificing.
  • The easiest way to love yourself is to strip all the things out of your life that allows you to care for yourself.
  • When you put yourself as a priority in business, you will have more passion, more energy, more productivity, and more clarity.
  • The only way you can serve your clients is if you care for yourself.
  • You’re not capped if you understand the dynamics of sales, how to integrate them into your business, and how to get the most out of them.
  • Sales is about learning to build intimate, powerful, and personal relationships by building rapport.
  • Be genuine and honest because people value integrity and commitment over anything else.
  • When increasing fees, you have to boost your confidence, so you’re able to have the courage to ask for it.
  • Be honest with yourself and understand that the investments you make now are based on the knowledge you have now,
  • When experiencing a burnout in your practice, figure out who could run your business better than you can.
  • Build systems and teams inside your business that allow you not to have to struggle, not to have to get to burn out, and not to have to do it alone.
  • Resources:
    • The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
    • Today I Begin A New Life by Dave Blanchard
    • The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
    • The Closers by Ben Gay III
    • The Third Door by Alex Banayan
    • 30 Days in Hell by Mellisa Krivachek
    •  – Learn more about The Ultimate Sales Summit which will be held on October 5-8, 2018 in Frisco.

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