Changing Lives By Restoring The Curve – Dr. Michael Hall


Technology isn’t all bad but if that’s all we do, we’re going to have troubles.

Forward head posture is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders associated with the use of imaging devices and when the head goes forward, chest expansion diminishes, which puts you at risk of a number of diseases.

On this episode, we are here with one of my mentors, Dr. Michael Hall.

Dr. Michael talks about how correlated our cervical spine health is to our physiology and mental health, and that when we can restore the curve, we can also restore lives.

Key Takeaways

  • We don’t necessarily need more surgeries and more drugs. We need lifestyle changes.
  • A research papers in only trying to answer questions. It’s not a panacea of health.
  • When you have a choice to make between what is right and what is wrong, that’s what free will is.
  • When we move, the neurological pathways, especially from our legs provide the primary sensory input to our cerebellum and our frontal lobes.
  • When the spine is healthy and free from subluxation and we are active, we have the best chance to have a healthy frontal lobe.
  • If the frontal lobe is not functioning, the ability to inhibit your sympathetic is reduced.
  • Chronic stress reduces the dendritic growth of the prefrontal cortex, so is reducing or changing the frontal lobe while it increases our alarm response physiology.
  • The mere presence of one’s smartphone reduces our cognitive capacity.
  • The chronic effect of stress is changing our judgment and how we think.
  • The best way to identify your practice is to identify your current care plan yourself.
  • What we do with our children today sets the stage for where they are as young adults.
  • When you are social, then you are healthier, especially healthier in your right brain.
  • Lower spine infiltration is cervical spine function. Upper cervical spine infiltration is more loss of the lordosis. If chiropractors adjust C5 and C6, they may relieve the pain but they won’t change the forward head posture.
  • When the head goes forward, so is the pelvis. The biggest cause of low back pain is forward head posture.
  • The upper cervical spine is more about your lordosis while the lower cervical spine is more about your side to side movement.
  • Putting someone on a traction device doesn’t remove disuse atrophy.
  • What it means to be human is to be in concert with one another.
  • Resources:

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