Connect With Yourself And Others – Dr. Nicole Lederman


Dr. Nicole Lederman knew she wanted to be a doctor and help people at an early age. She graduated from CMCC in 2000 and then worked as a locum for almost three years in Ontario. When she moved to Texas together with her husband, she ended up teaching in the clinic and on the academic side of Parker. After 11 years of teaching, she realized it was time for her and her family to come back to Canada to start a new phase of life.

On this episode, Dr. Lederman talks about how her 18 years in practice have been like. As a woman who is less than five-foot tall, she emphasizes that size doesn’t matter. In fact, she shares that small female chiropractors are highly specific when making the adjustments.

As a working mom, she also experienced being burned out and not being her vibrant, healthy self which taught her that it isn’t true that you can have balance. What’s true is you can choose what you want to do. Moreover, being herself, doing self-care, and connecting with others is the biggest things that have helped her over the time.

Key Takeaways

  • Lift your students up and inspire them.
  • What’s in your heart is more important than how big you are.
  • You’re doing a huge service when you’re spreading the message and getting people in a chiropractor’s office so they can get the help they need.
  • The more you have that personal relationship and be your most authentic self, people get to know and trust you.
  • As a working mom, whatever your definition of success or your idea of practice is right now, may not be the same in five years.
  • Focus on being home when you are home.
  • Try to get adjusted at least once a week, go to bed early, do a 5-minute gratitude journal, and exercise regularly.
  • Define what success is for you.
  • Perseverance and commitment are essential in everything that we do.
  • If you keep your ‘why’ in front of you, then it doesn’t feel like work.
  • Resources:

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