Connecting With Yourself, Your Practice, And Your Community – Dr. Erin Hawken


One of the reasons why people get burned out is they have lost their love of what they do or they have lost being able to see why they do what they do. At those times, connecting with yourself, the practice, and the community are things that are going to bring you back to life.

On this episode, we are here with Dr. Erin Hawken. She graduated from Murdoch University and has been in practice for 13 years. She has worked as an associate in four different practices and now, she has her own practice, LiveLoveLife, which is located in Sydney.

Dr. Erin talks about how crucial it is to bring yourself into practice in a true and authentic way, which is a big part of being successful in growing a practice. Also, she shares her experiences of feeling burned out in her career and how she was able to get back on track again.

Key Takeaways

  • Setting up strong systems and procedures in practice can support your success.
  • Until you are connecting with people hands-on and hearts open, connecting between you and them, and connecting them to the world around them, you can’t grasp the greatness of chiropractic.
  • Practice growth always comes down to relationships; relationships with other people, with other practitioners, with practice members, and with your community.
  • Embody yourself in everything you do. Be truthful and honest which makes people will feel respected.
  • In terms of not burning out, it is a matter of looking after yourself and taking time for you.
  • Setting the intention, getting in the right head space, and making sure you got your ritual and routine while you’re bringing yourself up first before you bring others up is important.
  • Chiropractic is about helping people understand their humanity and connecting with that.

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