Develop Your Business And Yourself As A Person – Dr. Ryan Rieder


Dr. Ryan Rieder is a coach, speaker, entrepreneur and the co-founder of Halsa Care Group which is the largest provider of chiropractic and physiotherapy in Europe. The business expanded into nine large clinics within four years and is now a multi-million-pound practice.

Ryan believes that a business is not just a single person’s energy and something that doesn’t fall apart when that person is not there. Rather, it is an enterprise that works without you.

On this episode, Ryan talks about the importance of developing yourself as a person because once you have that personal growth, outside growth also happens.

Key Takeaways

  • If you got to scale anything, you have to learn how to let go, trust more, and compromise.
  • If you’re going to lead a team, you need to know how to stand up in front of them and speak.
  • Invest in personal and business development courses and attend many chiropractic events as you can.
  • Your growth is directly proportionate to your personal growth.
  • Your business is a mirror. Your team will resemble you in some way, shape, or form.
  • A coach without a coach is not a coach.
  • When going through phases of feeling stuck, take a break and just breathe.
  • Be present in whatever you’re doing.
  • Keep the ‘don’t know’ mindset and continue learning.
  • Your failures are always going to be your biggest blessings.
  • Resources
    • Traction by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares
    • Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
    • Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
    • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T . Harv Eker
    • Connect with Dr. Ryan Rieder on Facebook

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