Finding Out What Your Real Target Is In Practice – Dr. Otto Janke


Any time Dr. Otto Janke has been burned out is because he lost his way and took his eye off his real target in practice. He pissed away a fortune on things that started taking him away from his gifts but soon, he realized that mistake and learned from it.

On this episode, we are here with Dr. Otto. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1992 and has been in practice for more than 26 years. He shares the importance of focusing on your goal and your gifts and how it can help you stay on track.

Key Takeaways

  • A person can be around for the next 60-70 years and still be rocking it when they have a fully optimized nervous system.
  • Losing your way and taking your eye off your target can cause burn out.
  • Any information research that we do which doesn’t promote longevity, immune system greatness, or optimization of them, holds chiropractic back.
  • Always communicate how great people can be when they’re adjusted and don’t forget to tell them the truth.
  • You’re given a gift and allow yourself to use those gifts greatly.
  • It’s your responsibility to use your gifts and talents.
  • Know what your strengths are and bring in other people on the team to do the things that you’re not an expert of.
  • Research is useless if you’re unwilling to communicate it.
  • Resources

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