Get Moving, Stop Sitting – Dr. Michael Hall


Sitting is the new smoking. When we don’t move, the frontal lobe doesn’t function which means we can become sick not only physically, but also in our thought process as well.

On this episode, we are here with Dr. Michael Hall. He is one of my biggest mentors in chiropractic. He is a chiropractic neurologist, and is affiliated with Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas, Texas.

He shares how chronic sitting can affect our health, how we communicate, how we perceive life, and how we succeed in life as well. He says that people who are more active tend to not only have better physical health, but also better mental health and a better shot at breaking the curse.

Key Takeaways

  • Health and well-being are the priority for success in today’s world.
  • The male brain has more neurons that tend to be more connected on one side while the female brain has a fewer number of neurons that is much more connected across the corpus callosum, which makes her more social.
  • Perspectives and perceptions are huge in today’s area of language, language acquisition, and success in life.
  • Overcoming the underdog curse is a big part of learning to read other people’s language.
  • When the brain is not being active to go towards hope and enthusiasm, we have a natural default to negativity or pessimism or a sense of failure.
  • The average human is designed to move 12 to 13 miles per day.
  • When the spine moves, it lights up the brain like a Christmas tree.
  • Walking a mile a day, six days a week can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer’s by 40%.
  • When in stress, we tend to eat more junk foods which make us inflammatory and reduce the function of the frontal lobe and other areas of the brain.

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