Getting Involved In Chiropractic – Dr. Gilles LaMarche


How involved are you outside of your practice?

That is the question Dr. Gilles LaMarche asks every chiropractor he meets.

Dr. Gilles encourages chiropractors to get involved in the practice. When we are more involved in the practice, it impacts you, your life, your career, and your community for the rest of your life.

On this episode, we are with Dr. Gilles. He is the Vice President of Professional Relations at Life University. Also, he has been an Ambassador of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation.

Dr. Gilles talks about various ways that chiropractors can become more involved in the practice. He also emphasizes how crucial it is for chiropractors to not only become an exceptional chiropractor but also be the best practice member in their practice.

Key Takeaways

  • If you want to become skillful before you graduate, practice your palpation and technique 10-15 minutes a day every day.
  • Attend seminars because that’s where you’re going to learn how to be successful.
  • Be committed to handing out 5,000 business cards in your first year in practice.
  • There’s nothing better than the one-on-one relationships as a chiropractor.
  • Before your practice even opens, walk around your community, introduce yourself, and dress for success.
  • Meditate, pray, and read. Take the time off that you need so you can stay connected.
  • Start smart. Keep your overhead low and get a great quality table.
  • You must be a practice member in a colleague’s practice and you must demand same high level of care that you deliver to your practice members.
  • Wherever you can support the profession, start supporting the profession. If you can’t support it with time, support it with money.
  • Resources:
    • Australian Spinal Research Foundation
    • If you’re interested to be an Ambassador of the ASRF, send an email to and put “Australian Spinal Research Ambassador” in the subject line.
    • For those who want to attend the Life Vision Seminar in Canada, click here.

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