Growing Confidence – Dr. Pier Tierney


Growth in different aspects of a person does not end. It may pertain to personality, emotions, or even way of thinking. What is important is there is the willingness to grow. For some people, confidence is really hard to grow. However, with the help of the people that surrounds you and most importantly, it should come from yourself.

On this episode, we have Dr. Pier Tierney, who is originally from Canada. She completed her degree in Chiropractic in Australia in 2009.

Dr. Pier talks about how she got into chiropractic. She shares about being able to balance the practice and avoiding burn out. She also shares about gaining confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Getting referrals is one of the best ways of growing the practice aside from being cost-efficient.
  • A lot of people think that in order to get to the next level in their practice, they’ll keep doing the same things but if you’re on a different level, you no longer do those things; you have to change to do different things.
  • In order to get in the zone, you need to get out of your comfort zone but just about 4% out of your comfort zone.
  • Understanding people’s languages and personality types are a few things that can be achieved when doing the shift.
  • Being able to identify the personality types of your practice members allows you to connect better with them.
  • To avoid burnout, take time out for yourself even though it’s only half an hour. Just do a reset on yourself.
  • Make sure to establish good communication among your staff. Don’t depend everything on your staff because when they leave, you will have a hard time doing the work.
  • It’s best to have a system and procedures in your practice. It saves time in training new employees and will serve as the basis for the practice.

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