Growing Phe Practice – Dr. Theo Koenen


For some people who are starting their practice, you can begin with a small practice. You don’t have to start with a big practice right away.

Starting with a small practice lets you grow your practice with you. You may experience struggles and trials while growing the practice and this is normal. These experiences will surely help you in your practice or personal life later on.

On this episode, we have Dr. Theo Koenen. He graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in 1999 and he’ll be hosting a big seminar in Portugal.

Dr. Theo talks about how his chiropractic practice started. He shares his journey in growing his practice and provides ways on how not to experience burn out.

Check out the live event here

Key Takeaways

  • For new chiropractors, you don’t have to start with big practice. You can start off small.
  • When you’re practicing in a different country, it would be best to immerse yourself in their culture to better understand your patients.
  • It’s normal to encounter struggles and trials when growing the practice.
  • One can be the best version of themselves when they get to a place where they can separate themselves from the outcome of their services and just focus on loving their patients.
  • Sometimes you need to wait and spend a little time searching or getting quiet when you think that there’s something going on with your practice.
  • Start your day by being grateful for everything that you have.
  • Connect with your patients. There’s nothing better than seeing change people’s lives by adjusting.
  • Join the live event

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