Hiring A Chiropractic Assistant – Melissa Sandford


Melissa Sandford started off as a chiropractic assistant and has taken a massive leadership role at the UCA. Being married to a chiropractor, she started hanging out with more chiropractors and had access to many chiropractic conferences, which got her more interested in the practice.

On this episode, she shares tips on recruiting, managing, and training staff, and the common errors that chiropractors do when it comes to hiring an assistant.

One of the significant failings that people make is they start up an office, and they bring somebody else to figure things out. As a chiropractor, you need to understand how the system works and be able to operate that so you can see when it’s not working.

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractors got to take their patients on a journey.
  • One of the biggest mistakes people make is they hire a chiropractic assistant for their skills and not for who they are.
  • Things to remember when hiring an assistant:
    • Be clear on who you want to spend your time within your office.
    • Your assistant needs to be somebody that you have a connection and affinity with.
    • Work out what kind of personality you work best with.
    • Write yourself a list of the things that are important to you.
  • Try to spend one on one time with your children as much as you can.
  • Walking your kids to school is a great time to talk with them.
  • Be direct with your partner and tell him/her what you need to avoid resentments.
  • Every day is just a day, tomorrow’s another day, and you can only do the best with what you have at any given time.

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