Increasing Financial Literacy – Jonathan Gold


Dr. Demartini who is one of my mentors said that one of the best things chiropractors could do to be better chiropractors and to help chiropractic, in general, is to become more financially stable. If we’re more financially stable, everything we do is from a state of purpose.

On this episode, we are here with Jonathon Gold. He completed a Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Finance in Concordia University in Montreal. He is the founder of Gold Investment Management, a company that is focused on one thing and that is investment counsel.

Jonathon talks about investment and the fallacies associated with it. He also emphasizes the importance of not only paying your debt off but also saving early and investing.

Key Takeaways

  • For those who are starting doing investments, they can open an account with a portfolio manager, someone who acts as a fiduciary to their client.
  • When it comes to investing, it’s not about buying low and selling high. You want to collect income over long stretches and reinvest that income.
  • When you’re a bond investor, you have a fixed income. After inflation and taxes, you can earn a negative return.
  • With stocks, you’re actually a business owner where you take on a little extra risk but you also enjoy the rewards.
  • As a shareholder, you’re entitled to a share of the profits and companies pay regular dividends either quarterly or monthly, and you participate in that dividend payment.
  • Dividends, unlike fixed income, can be increased over time and as the company’s fortunes rise, so do the dividend pay-outs typically.
  • To have your dividends reinvested automatically adds fuel to the fire in terms of compound growth.
  • For anyone who’s a DIY-er, DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) is a great way to grow.
  • The long-run return on stocks has been about 7% over the last 200 years.
  • Resources:

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