Making Wise Investments – Dr. Ernest Li


Being with like-minded people and having a mentor can definitely up your game. Dr. Ernest Li invested his money, time, and effort attending seminars, which made him realized what his true value is.

On today’s episode, we are with my mastermind buddy, Dr. Ernest Li. He is a chiropractor, and a businessman who owns real estates and a pub.

Dr. Li wouldn’t have discovered chiropractic unless he hadn’t gone into his fifth car accident. The accidents he had caused him pain that made it tough for him to focus on school. He tried everything else and ended up seeing a chiropractor as his last resort. After three adjustments, he felt better than a year and a half of physiotherapy and massage combined.

Like other chiropractors, Dr. Li also overdid the practice, got burned out, worked his butt off serving his practice members, which took him away from family time. That was the time when he thought that there must be easier ways to make money other than being a chiropractor. When he started investing his money in various things, he realized it isn’t easy and that no matter what business you’re in, you got to work hard.

Key Takeaways

  • As a student, see as many chiropractors as you can. See the successful ones and see the different styles and go to as many of the chiropractic seminars as you can.
  • If you don’t value yourself, the universe and the people will not value yourself either.
  • You get in life what you tolerate.
  • Save your age.
  • You don’t have to worry so much about what you’re going to make in your investments. You need to worry about not losing your investments.
  • If you’re going into anything that’s out of the blue or something that’s off the sidelines, you never want to invest more than 10%.
  • Earn your right to risk.
  • People tend to see confirmation with themselves, so it all goes back to who you hang out with.
  • Seek out people who make you a little uncomfortable.

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