Minimizing Stress Response – Dr. Wayne Todd


Dr. Wayne Todd, a chiropractor and the author of SD Protocol says that in the health world, people are running around chasing a diagnosis, a label, or what’s wrong with them. What they don’t realize is stress is the cause of most diseases.

The stress response is a survival mechanism, but if it stays locked on, our body gets all those long-term ramifications. All the good things in our body are shut down.

On this episode, he shares ways on how to handle physical, chemical, and emotional stress. If we know how to tap into minimizing that stress response, then we can be aware of the incredible capacity of our body.

Key Takeaways

  • When you stand back and look at the complexity of how our body works, you’ll realize it’s simple.
  • When we are under stress, all the good things in our body including the digestive, reproductive, and immune system are shut down.
  • The three aspects of stress are physical, chemical, and emotional.
  • According to American Medical Association, 60% of all disease is caused by chronic stress.
  • Meditation and guided imagery can be done to handle emotional stress.
  • Seek help counselors and psychologists and get rid of the past stuff that’s holding you every day.
  • Rather than seeing the negative in the person you’re in a relationship with, see the positive.
  • Posture is an excellent indicator of stress load.
  • Life’s not supposed to be a constant state of turmoil so do whatever you can to minimize stress.
  • Resources
  • SD Protocol – book written by Dr. Wayne Todd about stress response and strategies to turn it around
  • – Dr. Wayne Todd’s website
  • Smiling Mind – free guided meditation

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