Selling Chiropractic Instead Of Yourself As The Chiropractor – Dr. Donald Francis


Selling yourself as the chiropractor, building a practice which is all about you, and hiring an associate into that practice is a good recipe for trouble.

On this episode, we’re here with Dr. Donald Francis who has been in practice for nine years. He’s a former soldier and was an officer in the Royal Regiment Artillery for almost 12 years. He went to Palmer University when he was 32 years old and graduated in 2009. Now, he runs the fastest growing Chiropractic Clinic in the Scottish Borders that utilizes the Sacro Occipital Technique.

Dr. Donald talks about the one thing he would change on day one of his practice if he could go back in time now. It is that he would start selling chiropractic. He also shares how chiropractors can create a great environment for their associate colleagues and the importance of being able to communicate to your practice members what you are trying to do.

Key Takeaways

  • Coaching is the most important thing that most chiropractors don’t do.
  • Having an associate colleague gives you an opportunity to get adjusted regularly.
  • When you start feeling the benefits of a chiropractic lifestyle, you start becoming quite evangelical about it.
  • Don’t sell yourself as the chiropractor, sell the product, which is chiropractic and you are the person who delivers it.
  • Be humble and know that you’re just the person who gives the adjustment.
  • Become as technically good as you can in whatever you do.
  • Systemize your practice and make it easy so the people who work with you can lean into a system that’s developed rather than leaning on the principal or the business owner all the time.
  • Become a good communicator. Let the person know that you’re merely going to be a part of their healing but it’s them that heals.

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