Selling Your Chiropractic Practice and Starting Over with Dr. Naomi Mills

Dr. Naomi Mills on self-discovery and starting all over again

On today’s show, Dr. Don is joined again by Dr. Naomi Mills. Originally from Aberdeen in Scotland, Dr. Naomi studied at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth. Until recently, Dr. Naomi owned  a practice in the UK.

Joining us 2 years on from her first appearance on the show, she discusses the drastic shift she has made. Last time she spoke to us she had just finished building and opening the clinic of her dreams. Today she has left that clinic behind and moved to Scotland to start again.

Self-reflection and understanding where her values truly lie played a huge part in this decision. Naomi takes us through how she came to the decision to sell up, what the process was like and where her future lies. During the lockdown, you also have the opportunity to look at where you are and ask yourself what am I working so hard for?

Key Takeaways:

  • How Dr. Naomi came to the decision to leave her ‘dream’ practice. [2:20]
  • The work involved in creating her new vision and how she took action. [7:15]
  • The process of selling and facilitating the transition for her clients and new owners. [9:28]
  • Letting go of emotional ties to evolve. [11:34]
  • What Dr. Naomi has planned for the future once lockdown is lifted. [13:20]
  • Her involvement in the future opening of The Scottish Chiropractic College. [16:37]
  • What plans she has for the curriculum she would like to teach. [18:53]
  • How fellow chiropractors can support the college in its opening. [21:04]
  • Tips for finding inspiration and understanding your values during the lockdown. [22:40]

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