Shifting from Pain-based to the Subluxation Model with Dr. Jane Hvas


Host, Dr. Don MacDonald heads over to merry old England to speak with a Danish chiropractor who moved countries to follow her calling to become a healer. After years of struggling with the purpose of the pain-based, mechanistic model, Dr. Jane Hvas knew chiropractic could provide so much more to her practice members. She embraces the Vitalistic model 100% and since she has shifted, it has given her and her practice new energy.
During this episode, you’ll hear about Dr. Hvas’ multi-national chiropractic education, what other coaches could and couldn’t do for her and her practice, and the advice she gives other chiropractors who haven’t yet shifted.

Key Takeaways:

● Jane knew she would one day become a healer but her mother’s chiropractic experience is what led her to chiropractic. [2:08]
● Jane was entrenched in fear and stuck in survival mode as there were no outlets for Vitalistic care. [6:04]
● Jane knew deep down that a chiropractor could offer more than pain relief and the impatient practice member that almost caused her to retire. [13:46]
● The benefits of coaching and attending the Vitality Shift. [20:19]
● Dealing with her burn-out was a major struggle and major accomplishment for Jane. [28:46]
● Jane’s advice for shifters and newbies, get clear about your chiropractic philosophy. [30:20]

Learn More:

Penkridge Chiropractic Clinic
Vitality Shift Website
True Concept Seminars
Dr. Don MacDonald
@DrDonMacDonald on Twitter

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