Starting the Journey to Chiropractic – Dr. Patrick McMahon


Starting out in an industry is never easy. There will always be hardships and struggles. It goes with the saying that “Success doesn’t happen overnight”. We may experience that everything that we hoped and planned for didn’t follow through. Learn from the struggles and then re-invent it.

On this episode, we have Dr. Patrick McMahon. He graduated at Parker University in 2002 with a Bachelor in Science in Human Anatomy, Chiropractic. He’s one of the founders of Syntropy Chiropractic Training.

Dr. Patrick talks about how he was introduced to Chiropractic and shares his journey in this profession. He also gives helpful tips to those who are starting out in the Chiropractic industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Get exposed to a lot of things, learn from it and then make it your own rather than just copying it.
  • Become involved in the community by knowing the language of the country you’re in and talk to the people.
  • Figure out how to make chiropractic relevant to other people and their values.
  • Have a clear vision of where you want to go.
  • Keep yourself connected. Find activities that will boost not only your health as well as your mental well-being.
  • All the things that you would want for all of your people and the people you love, you have to do it yourself.
  • When experiencing burn out, don’t make it about you, instead, focus and care about your people.
  • Resources: Syntropy – Dr. Patrick McMahon’s website

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