Surround Yourself With Positive People – Dr. Ernie von Schilling


Being surrounded by positive people will fill you with positive energy and inspire you to do better.

On today’s episode, we are here with Dr. Ernie von Schilling, who had been in practice for 47 years. He was paralyzed from the waist down at the age of 13 which led him to being carried into a chiropractor’s office by his dad. That experience inspired him to pursue chiropractic as a career.

Dr. von Schilling shares how being around with successful people is essential to keep yourself be on fire and how it makes you become a better person.

Key Takeaways

  • Tips to pull yourself out of a funk:
    • Be with successful people.
    • Keep reading materials and inspirational stuff.
    • Exercise.
  • Every time we give an adjustment, we change people’s lives directly and indirectly.
  • Your energy precedes you.
  • Smartphones are a distraction from what you do and what you’re all about.
  • You’re going to be like people whom you associate with.
  • Have some good mentors.
  • Go to lots of seminars because there’s always something to learn.
  • Be a good example to your patients. Be healthy and be fit.
  • Resources
    • Brighter Mind by Dr. Kyl Smith – teaches how to stimulate your brain and get it going.
    • Dr. Ernie von Schilling’s website

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