Transitioning Into A Vitalistic Practice – Dr. Danny Constable


Chiropractic is not a numbers game. The number of patients you see and the amount of money you earn don’t matter. Chiropractic is about helping people reach their full potential.

On this episode, we are with Dr. Danny Constable. He graduated from Palmer University in 2000 and now runs a successful practice in Germany.

Dr. Danny talks about the difference between the mechanistic practice and vitalistic practice and the reason why he converted his practice into the latter.

Key Takeaways

  • There’s more to chiropractic than just seeing 20-30 people a day relieving their neck pain and shoulder pain.
  • Achieving your goals is not an overnight thing. It’s something that you need to work on and train for.
  • One of the first breakthroughs to getting into the transition is deciding what you want.
  • Comparing yourself with other people is one of the biggest dream killers.
  • Find out what you want, build a plan on how to achieve that, and be focused and disciplined working that plan until you achieve your goal.

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