What Does Money Have To Do With It – Brandi MacDonald


People have so much emotion around money so we can never have an objective conversation about it. When chiropractors aren’t able to talk about money, it creates this challenge which prevents them from serving more people.

On this episode, we are here with Brandi MacDonald to talk about what money has to do with what we learned as kids and what we believe about ourselves.

When we realize that everything we are doing is just patterned behavior, we can always change the situation that we’re in.

Key Takeaways

  • Money is an extension of somebody’s belief system.
  • Everything we learned about money is learned from our parents.
  • Immediate gratification gives us a kick start of adrenaline.
  • Watch out for the Parkinson’s Law which says that as you start to increase your income, subconsciously, you automatically increase your spending.
  • Unlearn all the stuff that makes you feel good at the moment and start to learn that what makes you feel good at the moment is to do what you say you’re going to do.
  • Seeing your debt come down builds your self-esteem.
  • Find mentors or people to help you have that conversation about money.
  • Relationships break up because the two people in the relationship have contradictive values about money.
  • At the same time, you’re paying down your debt, start saving in a different account and the goal is to be able to save three months of overload cash.
  • Never invest more than 10% of your net worth in something that’s off the grid.
  • Influence is money when it comes to power.
  • For somebody to really transform, you need individual time and be in an environment where your brain is open to all possibilities.
  • Resources:

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