Hiring A Chiropractic Assistant – Melissa Sandford

Hiring A Chiropractic Assistant – Melissa Sandford Summary Melissa Sandford started off as a chiropractic assistant and has taken a massive leadership role at the UCA. Being married to a chiropractor, she started hanging out with more chiropractors and had access to many chiropractic conferences, which got her more interested in the practice. On this […]
Don’t Just Move, Know What You Do – Dr. Pam Jarboe

Don’t Just Move, Know What You Do – Dr. Pam Jarboe Summary Chiropractors may think they don’t have to do marketing and sales, but these are two things that any business needs. They have resistance to learning stuff related to business because they’re afraid that they will look ‘salesy.’ However, this creates a dissonance because […]
Get Moving, Stop Sitting – Dr. Michael Hall

Get Moving, Stop Sitting – Dr. Michael Hall Summary Sitting is the new smoking. When we don’t move, the frontal lobe doesn’t function which means we can become sick not only physically, but also in our thought process as well. On this episode, we are here with Dr. Michael Hall. He is one of my […]
Living Your Truth – Dr. Alison Asher

Living Your Truth – Dr. Alison Asher Summary As a chiropractor, knowing what your values are and what you stand for, helps in creating rapport with your patients. On today’s episode, we are here with Dr. Alison Asher. After two years of being a chiropractor, she went on to become a Spinologist. Later on, she […]
Sharing Your Authentic Message – Jonah Sachs

Sharing Your Authentic Message – Jonah Sachs Summary The new challenge for marketers is making messages that are compelling that people will say they’re going to pass it around. If the story doesn’t interest people, it is forgotten. On this episode, we are here with Jonah Sachs. He’s an entrepreneur, author, journalist, and a social […]
Develop A Personal Growth Mindset – Tristan Schaub

Develop A Personal Growth Mindset – Tristan Schaub Summary Tristan Schaub is the Co-founder of ChiroSushi. Growing up in a chiropractic office, he decided to take his skills to Silicon Valley. Tristan started working on a bunch of start-ups like DoctorBase and found success in them. Also, he has helped chiropractors with their businesses and […]
Raising Personal Expectations – Dr. Dan Sullivan

Raising Personal Expectations – Dr. Dan Sullivan Summary How we manage our personal expectations is crucial to how we perform in life, and keeping our expectations high pushes us to do more to get the results we want. Too often, our expectations go so low because we don’t trust ourselves and we try to avoid […]
Keeping the Drive to Succeed- Luis Congdon

Keeping the Drive to Succeed- Luis Congdon Summary Once we reached the goals we’ve set for ourselves, we feel comfortable and don’t even realize that we’re not doing anything to grow, which then could lead us to back to our old life. Luis Congdon went homeless and lost everything financially but is now making six […]
Outgrowing Yourself – Dr. David Fletcher

Outgrowing Yourself – Dr. David Fletcher Summary Dr. David Fletcher had a unique way of starting his chiropractic career. In fact, he opened a chiropractic clinic in a hotel room in a Sylvan Lake. In spite of not having a formal place to practice, he pursued his career and continued moving forward which made his […]
Minimizing Stress Response – Dr. Wayne Todd
Minimizing Stress Response – Dr. Wayne Todd Summary Dr. Wayne Todd, a chiropractor and the author of SD Protocol says that in the health world, people are running around chasing a diagnosis, a label, or what’s wrong with them. What they don’t realize is stress is the cause of most diseases. The stress response is […]