Changing Lives By Restoring The Curve – Dr. Michael Hall

Changing Lives By Restoring The Curve – Dr. Michael Hall Summary Technology isn’t all bad but if that’s all we do, we’re going to have troubles. Forward head posture is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders associated with the use of imaging devices and when the head goes forward, chest expansion diminishes, which puts […]

Acknowledging Chiropractic Assistants – Cath Foote

Acknowledging Chiropractic Assistants – Cath Foote Summary Having a chiropractic assistant is essential to make sure that the chiropractor can focus on being a chiropractor and on making a difference but being a CA is not easy. There are a lot of things that go on to be a chiropractic assistant. On this episode, we […]

Tapping Into Your Creative Mind- Jonah Sachs

Tapping Into Your Creative Mind- Jonah Sachs Summary We all know that the world is changing and we also got to change with it because if we keep on doing what we did yesterday, it’s not going to continue to work. But when we do something that we’ve never tried before, we create all these […]

Getting Involved In Chiropractic – Dr. Gilles LaMarche

Getting Involved In Chiropractic – Dr. Gilles LaMarche Summary How involved are you outside of your practice? That is the question Dr. Gilles LaMarche asks every chiropractor he meets. Dr. Gilles encourages chiropractors to get involved in the practice. When we are more involved in the practice, it impacts you, your life, your career, and […]

Staying Connected With Yourself – Dr. Tiffany Johnson

Staying Connected With Yourself – Dr. Tiffany Johnson Summary Before you can be connected with your practice members, your team, your family, and everything else, you have to be first connected with yourself and grounded. On this episode, we are here with Dr. Tiffany Johnson. She graduated from Northwestern Chiropractic and has been in practice […]

Increasing Financial Literacy – Jonathan Gold

Increasing Financial Literacy – Jonathan Gold Summary Dr. Demartini who is one of my mentors said that one of the best things chiropractors could do to be better chiropractors and to help chiropractic, in general, is to become more financially stable. If we’re more financially stable, everything we do is from a state of purpose. […]

Making A Commitment To Chiropractic – Dr. Ron Oberstein

Making A Commitment To Chiropractic – Dr. Ron Oberstein Summary Shedding the husk that’s on us and taking from above down inside out that you’re going to create a big impact is a big part to being able to make a difference and give, do, love, and serve better. On this episode, we are here […]

Asking The Right Questions – Brandi MacDonald

Asking The Right Questions – Brandi MacDonald Summary Everything you talk about in your practice is directly related to what you believe in chiropractic and if you’re not aligned with your concepts, it’s hard to ask the right questions and to understand what’s really going on with the person who comes into your office. On […]

Transitioning Into A Vitalistic Practice – Dr. Danny Constable

Transitioning Into A Vitalistic Practice – Dr. Danny Constable Summary Chiropractic is not a numbers game. The number of patients you see and the amount of money you earn don’t matter. Chiropractic is about helping people reach their full potential. On this episode, we are with Dr. Danny Constable. He graduated from Palmer University in […]